Author Topic: Double clips and colours  (Read 2560 times)

Offline playmofire

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Re: Double clips and colours
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2014, 05:53:51 »
I'll look back at some DS orders from 2012 and 2013 when I bought the small black clip and let you know the number.
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Offline henry_martini

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Re: Double clips and colours
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2014, 07:18:55 »
I'm very clear about the grey 30 27 1060

but can anyone confirm whether brown 30 24 1440 and black 30 02 5190 (not 100% sure from their pictures above) are also this compact version (can't see in playmodb which sets they come from), thanks!

and last but not least, the black triple clips 30 02 5200 holding the Roman bolts are also compact versions (would you believe I'm still using the old and looser triple clips from US calvary forts...unaware of better new parts for so long :P)

your ETNs occur in these sets, maybe it helps

30 24 1440
5725, Knight's Castle

30 02 5190
3028, Adventure - Eagle Rock*
3217, Expedition Lodge
3287, Knights Tournament
3314, Treasure Transport
3419, Fort Randall
3773, Fort Bravo
3806, Fort Glory
4057, Treehouse
4175, Amphibian Vehicle with Deinonychus
4449, Robber's Amphibious Vehicle
4494, Cow Pasture
5019, Dino Set Exclusiv
5119, New Barn with Silo
5746, Treehouse small
7217, Fort Walls With Tower
7402, Fort Tower
7937, Tree House

30 02 5200
3028, Adventure - Eagle Rock*
3419, Fort Randall
3773, Fort Bravo
3806, Fort Glory
4217, Mitnehm-Ritterfestung mit Schild und Schwert
4271, Roman Warriors
4273, Commander's Tent
4276, Warrior's Ship
5176, Polizei-Kommandostation mit Alarmanlage
5182, Headquarters
5841, Romans' Camp
5864, Knights Shield Playset
5917, Police Take Along Station

@geobra: Thanks a lot! :-)

Offline playmofire

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Re: Double clips and colours
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2014, 08:01:52 »
I've looked back through the originals (not the invoices as I don't have these) of my DS orders back to 2009 but haven't found anything conclusive.  There have been items ordered I've described as "clip", which doesn't help much, and as these were in small quantities are unlikely to have been the small clip.  However, I have found one item I described as "small rifle clips" of which I ordered 50 (some for me and some for another PF member) and these had the part number 30 61 1940 and 30 28 9280.  I'm not sure why there were two part number columns on that spreadsheet, maybe because one is for my order and one for the other person's, but looking at the spreadsheet at some time a sort seems to have gone wrong, hence two different numbers for the same part.  However, one of the two numbers is for a small rifle clip (to hold a telescopic sight, and I think that this was the original appearance of the small clip) and I think it is the second one.  Maybe someone can manipulate playmoDB and check.

Sorry not to be more helpful.
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Offline henry_martini

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Re: Double clips and colours
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2014, 10:21:00 »
30 61 1940   Body interior (grey)

30 28 9280   Clip to join 2 rods (black)
4263, Polizei-Hauptquartier
4264, Police Headquarters
5290, Headlight with Spy Team Agent
5891, Carrying Case Police
@geobra: Thanks a lot! :-)

Offline cheng

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Re: Double clips and colours
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2014, 14:39:47 »
Dear Gordon, I've trouble you enough...and our good friend here Micheal here has given us do many clues....I'm sure I can make quite firm conclusions after viewing plans of these many sets...thanks so very much too Micheal :wave:

Offline henry_martini

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Re: Double clips and colours
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2014, 16:25:43 »
@geobra: Thanks a lot! :-)

Offline playmofire

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Re: Double clips and colours
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2014, 16:34:12 »
Glad to help you, cheng; it is no trouble.  And it looks certain the small black clips in my scan are the 30 28 9280 ones.
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