For the Quiz organised by my wife's school, I made a ten questions Playmobil round. One of the pictures I made was a closup of the Battle Of The Golden Spurs. This battle was fought on the 11th of July 1302, between a French knights army and a Flemish army mainly consisting of peasants, foot soldiers and a small fraction of knights. In normal conditions the strong french knights would have always won agains the Flemings but the Flemish army was setup behind a wide moat. Lots of the heavily armored knights couldn't manoeuvre on the swamp like field and in the moat and fell victim to the Flemish foot soldiers who disabled the knights with their 'goedendags' (a kind of mace, only a stick and a heavy pin, no chain as sometimes mistakenly thought).
I had to make this picture very quick so I hope to remake it soon with a lot more actors than just the few in the picture