Thanks everyone for the kind words!
Daniela, I had some colored Elasticlay so I used the colors first if I had them. Normally Elasticlay comes cream-colored and these work perfectly for the light hair in the first pic, like lightly-powdered blonde hair. I painted the grey-haired ladies after boiling and cooling with a mix of light grey acrylic and then a dry brush of darker grey for the streaks.
Speaking of boiling, I tried boiling just the head first but the hair will collapse on assembly so now I boil the entire Klicky already assembled. There may be some fading but not all the time. Sometimes there would be no fading at all sometimes it would fade the colors badly. If it's a figure that has colors that I love or if the hair is small enough I just submerge the head part on already boiling water while holding the feet above water with tongs or chopsticks. The detachable skirt parts should not get boiled because they
will fade; also anything small and pliable like cuffs and soft capes and those white birds. They don't do well at all in the heat.
I am always on the look out for new methods so by no means is this definitive so I will have to experiment with a hair dryer to "set" the clay or maybe rig a new contraption to suspend the Klicky above water.
BTW, please forgive if I'm mistaken
Daniela, is the opera house yours? I showed that creation to coworkers to prove that I am not so strange after all
, other people collect these too and have more than I do. Look what they've done! They were all duly impressed, as was I obviously, so now they don't hassle me anymore about my hobby.