Of course no one is obliged to do so or even use THIS specific thread, but it's sad, at least to me, in comparison, to see that threads with complaints about the PCC or the way Playmobil is going, are from 2 to 16 pages long.
Is there nothing to celebrate?
I see your point, and you are absolutely right!
I think there is no argument that we are all fans here. I mean, we're on a playmobil board, arguing (somewhat heatly at times) about stuff coming out and colors and molds and whatever... We wouldn't if we didn't care.
To me, that we love the stuff is beyond saying. Like I said on one of my reviews - there are only so many ways of saying GREAT! So I suppose I'm not the only one who tends to point out the exceptions - the less nice, the not so perfect.
It's hard to believe it's around for FORTY YEARS. Gods. And ALWAYS amazing. Not an easy feat, I'd say. And if some changes we like less than others, on the whole.... it is still the BEST IN THE WORLD
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, playmobil, and here's to 400 more!