Michael ...
You appear to be having a really wonderful time making your own Klicky parts.
I remember the very first time that I made a copy of a Playmobil part that was no longer available. It was a great feeling to know that I could make a mould and casting of any discontinued part that I wanted.
I also remember how it felt to create an original part that Playmobil had never made. Realizing that I could make anything that I wanted, gave me a phenomenal sense of freedom!
Looking at your imaginative collection of custom Klickys,
Michael, it is easy to see that you are fully enjoying the fantastic freedom that moulding and casting can give you!
What will be interesting is to see is how far you will go with creating your own Playmobil. Will you someday create and cast your own original
MacGayver Pirate Ship ...
Thanks for sharing and all the best,