Thank you very much, everyboy

Must have taken you ages to build it.
Well, it took me six full days, in between Christmas dinners and New Year's family gatherings. It takes a lot of time gathering supplies and sorting out stuff. But I loved every minute

The interiors are my favorite. I love seeing all the maids, cooks, and governesses hard at work.
Mine too! It made me think of that British tv series Downton Abbey, do you know it? That's why I really wanted some servant's quarters too.

Never thought to use the stage coach in this setting before, but it fits perfectly. Great idea.
Thanks Jay! Well actually a lot of western stuff fits in with the Victorian theme. I also transformed the 5249 cavalry car with parts from the 3735 harvest car:

Sometimes I'm inclined to buy extra stuff because it's available out there, but actually being creative with the pieces you've already got is very satisfying.