The main reason I wanted to share these photos with folks is because I really enjoy this Festival lsitening to my old cassette of kids Hannukkah songs even though the recording on my MP3 plus Hannukkah Gelt player is really quiet and terrible quality plus I know very little Hebrew so it sounds terrible when I sing along
but, it's great getting dounghnuts and 8 nights of smaller presents as well as Hannukkah Gelt (money) both real still £10 from my Grandma and chocolate coins from my Mum
for my part I encourage multiculturalism in the best way by buying doughnuts and chocolaate coins for the guys at work amkes a change from biscuits and mince pies and they're cheap.
Oh yes and there is this a Dreidel called Sevivon in Hebrew, according to tradition it was used when Jews were studying th Torah (Jewish Holy Book) in secret and when Greek Guards were spotted they hid the Torah and pretended to play a gambling game so they wouldn't be caught and punished. The letters on each side are the Hebrew letters
Nes Gaddol Haya Sham which mean
A Great Miracle Happened There. You can also play a game with the Dreidel by using some form of tokens or coins and distributing an equal amount to each player and leaving some in the centre/pot in which case the letters on each side correspond with a intstruction to take some of the coins or put some back in the pot, there's even a nice Dreidel song. My Dreidel is one I finished making just a few weeks ago out of a piece of Sycamore wood I found in the wood bag at BTCV I always wanted to make a Dreidle since getting the idea to start wood carving and this looked such a good shape and size I couldn't resist trying it the letters aren't as clear as I hoped but, for a first attempt I'm really pleased.
Anyway hope you all like the photos sorry if I bored you going over the top with information, Happy Hannukkah from me and the gang