Author Topic: Get rid of the smell of smoke...  (Read 6665 times)

Offline sunflower

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2013, 14:45:17 »
Pets I don't mind either. We have three cats ourselves. But this cost me a lot of time cleaning and drying - I don't have to tell you, Tahra.

But maybe I would even buy a yellowish smokey white elephant one day... I.m getting a bit obsessed I'm afraid.
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Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2013, 14:59:21 »
don't really care if it's pet free (their loss)...

Unfortunately, I do have to care about that. I love animals, but am severely allergic to cats and to the type of hay that is fed to small animals like guinea pigs and rabbits. :( That's part of why I spend so much time at the zoo. I can't have as many pets as I'd like in my home.

Sunflower, I did buy a yellowed white elephant, and I love it anyway. :love: It's so beautiful with the midnight blue headdress and all.
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Offline GrahamB

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2013, 18:27:28 »
And when you get a yellow elephant, Sunflower, and decide you want it to be white- well that's a whole new chapter of cleaning methods! There are some ideas on this forum, but its not easy to return yellow Playmobil to white.

I bought a lovely set of 10 figures a couple of days ago, reeking of tobacco tar. I soaked them in mild detergent overnight, left them to dry and put them in a new bag. Now even my 7-year old can't smell smoke on them. Your figures must have been buried in an ash-tray or something!
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Offline Daniela

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2013, 18:13:22 »

I know this old smoke problem, too. But I found a really good working solution.
I fill my bathtub hand high with hot water and a good lot of laundry detergent powder (I use Persil Megapearls, don´t know, whether it´s only to get in Germany  ???)  and let the Playmobil bath for  one or two hours. After that time, I rinse the Playmobil with clear water and in nearly any case, the bad smell has gone. Only a few times, I have to repeat the bath, but in the end, it has always helped.

Try it!  ;)
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Offline Ismene

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2013, 23:12:11 »
The boxes are new ones. The cardboard boxes it came in didn't even make our livingroom. I'll try the baking powder.

Baking soda, not powder. If you have time, I'd pour a whole bunch of baking soda in there and let it sit for a week.

Offline Hadoque

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2013, 23:53:20 »
Reading all this I think I should quit smoking or throw away my Playmo, difficult choice   8}  ;D

(just kidding; Playmo is the bigger addiction in my case  ;) )

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Offline tahra

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2013, 08:51:31 »
Reading all this I think I should quit smoking or throw away my Playmo, difficult choice   8}  ;D

I agree. Quit smoking. Think of all the extra playmomoney! (not to mention all other benefits, for you and everyone else around you)

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2013, 08:30:20 »
Can always smoke outside so you won't get the smell in your house. It's what most of my relatives do.  :)

Some years ago before I got back to playmobil, I bought a lot of lego which came from a smoker's house. It's been standing quite a while build up in the attic, and the smell seems to be gone. It's an open space and one of the windows is always a bit open.
I believe the smell was gone quite fast, maybe in some months.

Might be different for playmobil though, don't think I had much smoked playmobil. Either way keeping it set up in an open space seems to help.

And put those clickies that smell of smoke in a circle with non smoking clickies, to form a support group. Can't have them swiping sigarettes somewhere and fall back to their old habit.

Offline basilsdad

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2013, 12:23:37 »
We had a fire in the attic of our home in New Jersey in July of 2001.  I had just stored all of the my classroom supplies there for the summer.  Amidst the treasures, was a large box of lego bricks in a plastic container.  The box was slightly melted, but the bricks were fine except for the smell.  I put them in a fine mesh bag and placed them in the upper rack of the dishwasher.  They came out with a slight smell and I put them on the deck for a few days.  To my recollection, they were fine after that.  I know the kids played with them that fall.  I generally run used Playmobil items that I buy through the top rack of the dishwasher.  Not a good idea though if there are any decals.  ;D

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Offline sunflower

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Re: Get rid of the smell of smoke...
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2014, 14:48:43 »
I am happy to tell you that after a last bath with perfumed oil and a couple of weeks out of the box. I don't smell the smoke anymore. Thank you for all your help.

Last week I found this happy little smoker at my parents house. He will get a nice place of his own far away from the children and animals  :lol:

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