I used to have space on my PM shelves for trees and diorama...but now there's only standing room...and almost the only historical klickies not standing in neat rows are my cowboys and indians...we know we have reached this stage when we start to see our kickies falling over like dominos 

Made me laugh with them all dominoeing over always frustrating a true sign of a lack of space.
Wouldn't say I've got mucb to form dioramas certainly nothing bigger that a shrub which would go on the shelf (not counting my few bigger vehicles which remain out of Mum's sight

) the main thing is a little pond I've done by painting some air dry clay to look like rocks and using some blue tracing paper for water, and I've incorporated a bench, some plants and a skating ramp on one side but, I've managed to get plnety of Klickies plus a boat, 2 ducks, and a dog around that area. The rest of it is mainly as I say people crowding in normally grouping like themes together but, trying to make it look as realistic as possible so working the medieveal guys around the 2 guys coming in on horseback so the more lowly guys look like they're interacting with each other whilst on guard or in the middle of doing their duties, the few woodland animals interacting with the friendly archer and some of the Knights watching a Sword In The Stone scene like in Arthurian legend.