Tiermann, yes the deep shelves are a wonderful feature. I never was able to use standard 18 inch ones for setups so these are just heavenly.
hauden_lukas, for some reason it does not feel like a lot yet as there is still room to move in there
ha ha about the kid, you clever one
bonniebeth, it is great to have a momentary relief of shelf space, only draw back is that its momentary
yes thats the kid setting up his grand castle, stecks of course, and its not for sale George
tahra, after seeing how so many, like yourself, organize I just had to do something about our mess of junk.
Birdie, yes so many hours of play. now we can set up scenes and leave them for the next days adventures
Georgeag1972, thanks, its really fun to be immersed in playmo
basilsdad, please come over and play, there are no adults around here who appreciate innocent wholesome play. Living in silicone valley/bay area its all about computers
I hope to find time to take pictures of what is on the shelves as its not just storage but we are building dioramas on them as well. Thanks for the comments guys and gals