Everyone around the table smiled.
King Phillip:
"That will be all, please take him back to his cell."Still muttering about this great injustice, Halgar is escorted back to his cell.

Still muttering about this great injustice, Halgar is escorted back to his cell.
King Phillip:
"Well done Frederick, while I don't approve of lying, in this case it can save many lives.. now we know Prince Edward the Lion is behind all this."Henry:
"So what happens now? We can't take the fight to him.. Cedric is the millitairy advisor and leader. He'd know what to do."King Phillip:
"Which is why it is best we keep it a secret that we know of Prince Edward's intentions.. first we will need to focus on finding this Krinflower. Also.. Henry.. during Cedric's recovery I'd like to request you to take over his positon for the time being. You will now lead the swans untill Cedric is capable of it once more."
Henry seemed rather overwhelmed by this.
"Sire? But.. I can't possibly stand in my brother's footsteps! I'm not ready for this."King Phillip:
"I know it is a big responsibility, but it is only temporarily.. and I am sure that Frederick and Roderick will help you carry this burden. You are not your brother, and I don't expect you to be.. You are turning out to be a great knight yourself, you have a good heart. You will need to learn to calm yourself though... you can be quick to anger at times."Henry:
"I.. no you are right sire.. I'll try to watch my temper."Elena:
"I'll help you Henry... we are in this together."Frederick:
"Your friends are here too, we'll help where we can."Roderick:
"Yes, you don't need to do this alone.. perhaps you should have a word with your servants before we continue?"Henry agreed and turned around, Elena moved to stand beside him. The two swan squires and the archer lined up, having overheard the discussion. They where staying close to their lord, Cedric.

"Alright men.. you are all aware of the situation.. I will do my best to lead the swans in my brother's absence.. If you have any concerns, feel free to speak your mind about it. Together, we can get through this and I hope Cedric will recover soon."The Swan followers smiled and spoke in unison:
"We are with you sir Henry, we respect you and will follow your lead."Henry nodded to them, and moved past them towards his brother.

Henry spoke determined:
"I will make you proud brother.. but please.. get better soon.. Right now I only wish to train with you again, with you seemingly invincible to whatever I throw at you... We will do our best to keep the castle safe during your recovery." Henry could barely hold back a tear as he spoke, remembering better times.
Elena placed a hand on his shoulder, she would wish for things to return to how they where just as well, but would do her best to help Henry through the difficult times ahead.
In the meanwhile, Sir Christopher pushed himself off his bed and moved over to the table, walking rather uneasy and then leaning on the table for support.

King Phillip:
"Sir Christopher, you should rest. Don't exert yourself!"Christopher:
"I can't just watch when I'm needed.. I want to help in this.. I heard everything and I think your kingdom should not face this threat alone. There may be more to it than has been revealed yet. I won't fight for a while, but I have friends at several courts.. Other kings should know the truth about Prince Edward as well."As he speaks, Stephen and Jory return to the table along with Henry and Elena.

Together, all of them are now planning together how to proceed for the times ahead.. There are many things to do and they need to be carefully about it.
The Krinflower needs to be recovered from Pepperwood forest, Prince Edward's true intentions need to be revealed and his plans must be stopped.. and the Dread Baron is also still around. Will they be able to overcome all these dangers without Cedric?
Time will tell.. they are discussing their plans for hours untill they finally come to an agreement..
What exactly they are going to do, will be revealed soon in the next chapter.