((thanks everyone for the kind words

Sir Christopher isnt too happy about this interference and steps down from his horse and draws his sword. He never heard of the baron before since Christopher comes from far away, but he won't let this loudmouth steal this unique opportunity away from him. A crossbowman is taking aim at the baron as well.

"You heard king Phillip. Now leave, you are not welcome here. I have fought my way through this tournament to receive the honour of facing Sir Cedric in a duel. You can't just walk up here at the end of the tournament and claim my reward! You should have entered the tournament if you wanted to challenge the ruling champion."The Dread Baron just stared him down before speaking with grim determination:
"I'll challenge whoever I darn well please, and you won't get in my way."Without hesitation, the baron swings his heavy sword at Christopher and overpowers him in only three strikes, violently stabbing him at his side as he takes him down while blocking an incoming crossbow bolt with his shield.

Seeing the winner of the tournament, who has proved himself to be a very capable fighter, getting defeated like that and hear him yelp out in pain causes a panic. The people dont know what to do, but the other competitors are quick to draw their swords in response to this unprovoked attack.

"No! I didnt mean it that I wanted to see him defeated.. not like this! That baron will have to deal with me now!"Roderick:
"The three of us where defeated by him single handedly not that long ago.."Henry:
"We will fight together, and we are not alone in this."Soldiers and knights are quick to move towards the baron, surrounding him, fearing he may hurt more people. The soldiers and some of the knights are affraid though, after seeing Christopher get defeated like that and knowing how they'd measure up to Christopher. But they take a stand anyways, to protect the people.

And the Dread Baron stands calm in the midst of all this:
"I told you I would make you accept... now face me Cedric. Or are you too affraid to face me alone, just like everyone else?"Cedric looked back behind him and around him, at everyone gathered, before he adressed them with an unusually stern tone in his voice.

"Soldiers, you where not given permission to leave your post. Get back there right now. He may not be alone. Knights, stand back. Crusaders, bring Christopher to safety. I won't allow anyone else to be hurt by this madman. I will take care of this."As Cedric takes charge of the situation, the soldiers quickly move back to their post rather relieved, Charles and Pynedor pull Christopher to safety while several knights remain close, reluctant to leave while Cedric crosses swords with the dread baron.

While usually Cedric is able to defeat any opponent without even trying if it is a serious fight, the baron seems to counter his every strike, and dishes out his own attacks as well but Cedric seems to counter every one of them.
It seems Cedric has met his match today, which of these powerfull knights will prove victorious? And what other tricks might the baron have planned?
The answers to this will come soon.