Author Topic: Chivalry and Dread.  (Read 17429 times)

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #60 on: January 10, 2014, 11:24:48 »
Eager to continue the fight, they draw their swords and move around the fence to continue the battle on horseback.

They exchange powerfull blows with their swords, Roderick stays focused as he tries very hard to keep up with the more experienced Christopher.

During the battle, his horse rears up, allowing Roderick to come back down with more force, delivering a heavy blow that knocks Christopher off his horse!

As Christopher lies on the ground, Roderick dismounts but keeps his distance.

Frederick: "That's it Roderick.. don't be fooled!"
Henry: "He might just win this.. but it's not over yet..."

Christopher gets back up when realising that Roderick isnt falling for it.

He smiles at Roderick and gives a courtly nod before moving in for a surprisingly relentless attack that Roderick didnt expect at all from the seemingly gentle knight.

Roderick gets pushed back by the attack before he recovers, pushing back and exchanging blows with Christopher, his helmet gets pushed off, his shield gets beaten out of his hand but he presses on, surpassing Christopher's blade and placing his sword on his shoulder, but Christopher has the exact same idea!

Roderick looked at Christopher in surprise, what to do now? Christopher just smiled back at him, seemingly impressed.

Could this be a draw?

Offline Tiermann

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #61 on: January 11, 2014, 02:09:58 »
Well, could it? Could it??
Aaaggh  :knight: :lol:

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #62 on: January 14, 2014, 11:04:13 »
Taking advantage of Roderick's confusion, Christopher kicks Roderick away from him and disarms him when Roderick falls back on his bottom.

He did his best and got far, but Christopher's experience with tournaments gave him the advantage here.
Christopher: "Looks like I better watch myself in the tournaments yet to come, if you are doing this good at your first big tournament, I can't wait to see what you will do when you have gained more experience with them."

As Christopher and Constantine move back to their horses, Elena walks to Roderick to cheer him up.

Elena: "Not bad at all for your first time at the big tournaments, right?"
Roderick: "True.. I don't feel bad about losing though. I really learned a lot today."
Elena smiled before she moved back. "So did I."

Roderick moves back to his friends as he wondered about what Elena might have learned today. Frederick seems quite upset for some reason.

Frederik: "See?! you can't defeat that guy either! because he cheats!"
Roderick smiled: "He didn't cheat, he just took advantage of the flaws in our defence."
Henry: "Good thing he is not our enemy, I wonder how well he'd do against my brother."

As they hear the trumpets of the heralds, they turn their eyes to Sir Christopher and Sir Constantine, as they stand before the king.

King Phillip smiles as he adressed them: "Sir Constantine, Sir Christopher, my congratulations to you both for making it this far. It truly is a privilege to see such talented and chivalrous knights fight with honour through the rounds. But there can only be one winner in this tournament. Take a good look at each other before you get ready for this final duel to see who becomes the new champion. Fivethousand gold pieces from my treasury and a jeweled golden sword forged especially for this tournament await the victor. As well as the change to challenge Sir Cedric, the ruling champion."

Cedric smiled as he watched the tournament, he didnt seem worried at all. He was simply enjoying the tournament and was curious if the new champion would want to challenge him.

Everyone is watching in quiet awe as the two finalists charge at each other.

How will this end? both of them have won many tournaments already.. who would be stronger?

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #63 on: January 14, 2014, 11:26:11 »
And the audience certainly was not disappointed, they got to witness something exeptional: Both knights land a good hit,their lances shattering and dismounting each other!

Laying on the ground somewhat stunned, they take a moment to get back on their feet.

This certainly was something our three friends had not seen before.

As Christopher and Constantine get back on their feet, they start a fierce battle on the ground.

Both seem very skilled, dodging each other attacks, trying to lure each other in but they don't take the bait. Constantine seems to gain an advantage when he manages to rob Christopher of his shield.

Christopher uses the moment to tackle Constantine though, forcing him to the ground as he presses his attack.

After a short struggle, he manages to push Constantine's sword away and gets his visor open, leaving him defenceless and gets him to surrender!

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #64 on: January 14, 2014, 12:57:54 »
There is a new champion, he smiles to the audience as they cheer for him, he still takes the time to help Constantine back to his feet.

Constantine: "That was some fight.. I really gave it my all but you where better.. congratulations."
Christopher smiled: "Well fought, I really hope to meet you more often at the tournaments."

As Christopher moved to stand before the king, Constantine moved to the side where Cedric stood ready to shake his hand.

Cedric: "Well fought, I kind of expected you to win this tournament when I first saw the list of competitors, but Christopher improved a lot since the last time I saw him in the tournaments."
Constantine smiled: "It was a good tournament, many strong competitors and I hope everyone enjoyed it. A shame I don't get the chance to challenge you though."
Cedric returned the smile: "You are always welcome at our castle. Feel free to stop by sometimes and we can have a friendly duel."

Constantine gave a polite nod and turned to Henry, Roderick and Frederick: "You three did well considering its your first big tournament... Frederick and Roderick, looks like we have something in common.. we where all bested by Sir Christopher. Henry, I owe you my life. I hope that someday, I will be able to offer you help when you need it."

Frederick joked: "Maybe the three of us should fight Christopher together, he'll never see that coming!"
Roderick chuckled: "Let it go Frederick, we'll just keep training and improving ourselves.. It's good to know there are such talented knights around, and they are good people."
Henry: "I'm curious if he will challenge my brother, I don't think he'd have a chance at defeating him though."
Constantine smiled: "Don't underestimate Sir Christopher, Cedric certainly has his reputation, but Christopher has been underestimated all day yet defeated everyone."

As they keep talking, Sir Christopher receives all the honours that come with winning such a large tournament.

King Phillip: "Sir Christopher, you stand before us as the champion of this tournament. You are a worthy winner, congratulations!"
Queen Dominique: "We admire your courage, but moreso your kindness towards your competition."
Jacques de Ridefort: "You honoured your competitors by not holding back, you where wise to not underestimate the newcomers."
Prince Edward: "You fought with the bravery of a Lion today."
Baron Blacktower: "We hereby grant you the reward of five thousand gold pieces, the sword of champions, and the chance to challenge the ruling champion, Sir Cedric if you so wish."

Sir Christopher bowed before the nobility that honoured him, before turning to the side to consider these offers.

Constantine: "I thank you all for your kind words my lords and my lady. I shall put the money to use in my homeland, to feed and clothe the poor. I must decline on the sword of champions however.. since I feel that I have not earned this honour yet.. not without defeating the ruling champion!"
Constantine smiled as he nodded to Sir Cedric: "Sir Cedric, I accept your challenge. I'd like to know how I measure up to the legendary Cedric."

Cedric returned the nod before he moved back to get ready, and Pierre announced the duel properly.

Pierre: "Sir Christopher has accepted the challenge and will now face Sir Cedric, the ruling champion in battle! To ensure Sir Christopher can fight at his best, a bench with weaponry will be moved to the field so Sir Christopher has everything he may need within reach."

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #65 on: January 14, 2014, 13:42:02 »
Everyone looked in anticipation at Cedric when he moves onto his horse.

His many tournament victories as well as victories in battle where the stuff of legend. He has not participated actively in the local tournaments in a long time because everyone already knew he would win. And ever since he only fights the winner of the tournament if they wish to. Many tried, but none managed to defeat him yet. Some didnt even dare to challenge him.

The three friends still looked forward to it though, Cedric was all they aspired to be. They loved seeing him in action. Since they arent in the competition anymore, they have exchanged their heavy tournament armors for their usual capes.

Henry: "I know what Sir Constantine said, but there's no way he will beat Cedric. No one can defeat my brother."
Roderick: "I think he'll still give a good fight though.. he is good."
Frederick: "If the three of us can't even defeat Cedric together, how will he stand a chance on his own?"

This was it, the battle many had been waiting for.. both Cedric and Christopher where ready for the charge.

But just as the heralds are about to signal the start of the battle, a scream can be heard behind Christopher. As he looks around, several people are fleeing away scared.

A dark knight standing in the shadows has inspired such dread in them that they are running away in fear.

As he steps forward into the light, the people gasp in fear when this dark knight appears to be the infamous Dread Baron.

Cedric is quick to move forward, positioning himself before the royal stage, ready to protect the nobles and face the Dread Baron.
The guard captain is quick to grab his sword and move forward to try and arrest this uninvited and unwelcome guest.
King Phillip: "Ranulf? you are not welcome here! and how did you escape from prison?"

The Dread Baron lets out a boisterous laugh as he raises his sword.

The Dread Baron: "Muhahahaha! No prison can hold me. Nothing can hold me. Not even the legendary Cedric will be able to stop me.  Today I will show everyone that he is not invincible. He will die. I challenge him to a duel to the death. Accept, or I will force you to accept my challenge."

Completely surprised by this turn of events, the once festive mood is suddenly ruined. The guards are on high alert and are watching the dread baron closely, the present knights as well. But he is just one man, and why is he so open in his plan of attack? some of the most powerfull knights are gathered here, surely he can't possibly win?

Soon, we will see how this continues..

Offline Tiermann

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #66 on: January 14, 2014, 18:53:06 »
That's an unexpected turn of events. How is Sir Christopher going to react I wonder? That Baron fellow is quite rude to interrupt his duel like that.

Offline playmovictorian

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #67 on: January 15, 2014, 04:52:42 »
What a fantastic and epic story  :love: :love:

Your beautiful photography and close ups allows us to feel as if we were part of the fights and on the jousting ground, superb !

Your work is refreshing and your scènes set up to perfection !

La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline Giorginetto

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #68 on: January 15, 2014, 20:19:14 »
Excellent stuff ! So many classic playmos in action , proper stuff if you ask me !!!!

Look forward to see more of this story  :munch: :munch: :munch:

:knight: Steck is Holy . Bring back more steck sets and its guardians , the Nuremberg Guards :knight:

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Chivalry and Dread.
« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2014, 15:47:09 »
((thanks everyone for the kind words  :) ))

Sir Christopher isnt too happy about this interference and steps down from his horse and draws his sword. He never heard of the baron before since Christopher comes from far away, but he won't let this loudmouth steal this unique opportunity away from him. A crossbowman is taking aim at the baron as well.

Christopher: "You heard king Phillip. Now leave, you are not welcome here. I have fought my way through this tournament to receive the honour of facing Sir Cedric in a duel. You can't just walk up here at the end of the tournament and claim my reward! You should have entered the tournament if you wanted to challenge the ruling champion."

The Dread Baron just stared him down before speaking with grim determination: "I'll challenge whoever I darn well please, and you won't get in my way."
Without hesitation, the baron swings his heavy sword at Christopher and overpowers him in only three strikes, violently stabbing him at his side as he takes him down while blocking an incoming crossbow bolt with his shield.

Seeing the winner of the tournament, who has proved himself to be a very capable fighter, getting defeated like that and hear him yelp out in pain causes a panic. The people dont know what to do, but the other competitors are quick to draw their swords in response to this unprovoked attack.

Frederick: "No! I didnt mean it that I wanted to see him defeated.. not like this! That baron will have to deal with me now!"
Roderick: "The three of us where defeated by him single handedly not that long ago.."
Henry: "We will fight together, and we are not alone in this."

Soldiers and knights are quick to move towards the baron, surrounding him, fearing he may hurt more people. The soldiers and some of the knights are affraid though, after seeing Christopher get defeated like that and knowing how they'd measure up to Christopher. But they take a stand anyways, to protect the people.

And the Dread Baron stands calm in the midst of all this: "I told you I would make you accept... now face me Cedric. Or are you too affraid to face me alone, just like everyone else?"

Cedric looked back behind him and around him, at everyone gathered, before he adressed them with an unusually stern tone in his voice.

Cedric: "Soldiers, you where not given permission to leave your post. Get back there right now. He may not be alone. Knights, stand back. Crusaders, bring Christopher to safety. I won't allow anyone else to be hurt by this madman. I will take care of this."

As Cedric takes charge of the situation, the soldiers quickly move back to their post rather relieved, Charles and Pynedor pull Christopher to safety while several knights remain close, reluctant to leave while Cedric crosses swords with the dread baron.

While usually Cedric is able to defeat any opponent without even trying if it is a serious fight, the baron seems to counter his every strike, and dishes out his own attacks as well but Cedric seems to counter every one of them.

It seems Cedric has met his match today, which of these powerfull knights will prove victorious? And what other tricks might the baron have planned?

The answers to this will come soon.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 15:53:53 by Rhalius »