fair enough, we can have our own playmofriends meeting.
if theres bad rumors going around about you, perhaps it might help to dispell them? Might be good if we know your side of the story in case any of us runs into those people.
Only thing I heard is that someone I've travelled with not so long ago has some issues about my personality, but I don't know for sure if this person has talked about specifics with others, but I've a gutfeeling it has been the case. I won't claim it is so, like I said it is suspicion I have (but experience has taught me to believe what my little toe tells me).
I notice that people, especially from the Belgian side of the BE/NL-collector's community, often look at me or disregard me in a specific way, even on the moment I meet them for the very first time and when they are well acquainted with the someone referred to above.
I myself often have "issues" too about other people's personalities - friends and family included - but I try to see the positive sides of characters/personalities, and not to focus on a few things that might irritate me occasionally.
About a "Playmofriends"-BE/NL-meeting on "our" own: most here are Dutch, and only a very few Belgian (active participating members at least, not the lurkers)