There is a group of BE/NL-collectors (some of which who used to be active on the forums in the past) who are setting up meetings in the south of NL and north of BE - as I wrote before - privately and through facebook.
One of the driving forces is a Belgian collector who is famous for his dioramas at Luxplaymodays, Funpark Zirndorf, and on other important occasions.
I've seen on FB that they held a meeting a few weeks ago, and they have one planned for june 2014 which will take place in Kessel, BE.
Last time I had contact with anyone was when I catched a ride to the Playmobil-exhibition in Seneffe (BE), in the spring that was if I remember well. I haven't heard from anyone since then, I only discovered accidently on FB that meanwhile there have been several BE/NL-meetings.
So, if I have to find out things accidently and no one contacts me anymore or makes me aware a meeting will take place, I don't feel much exited to participate. I don't feel very welcome and I have a feeling a person (or some persons) has (have) been spreading bad rumors about me (since years), so other collectors I meet for a first time - and often just for a brief moment - already have prejudices.
If that is the case, then they can stick their meetings and expositions where the sun doesn't shine. (pardon me language, but that's the way I feel)