Well.....combining this parts we can make 6 versions of the beret....
The next challenge is make the "kilt".....the typical scottish-skirt.
The big problem is found the good proportions....because the playmo-legs are very short.
According to the regulations, the skirt falls just above the knee.
In campaing dress they use a short gaiter....I like this option.....the town-dress without gaiter, all the leg with sock....
To decorate the Kilt....we can choose a lot of scottish designs....very hard to paint with a brush.....and I ask for help to my friend Bendalator to make some vynil stickers.
On Napoleonic Time, the Government try to apply a Standard design for all the scottish Kilt....the Black Watch....and this no coincide with any scottish Clan desing.
Nevertheless, some Clan use his own desig.....like Cameron or Gordon....
Well.....I go to make the Black Watch and this two Clan....Cameron-Gordon
We can combined 6 hats variants and 3 kilt design.....
Also, I make a new british style backpack....
After this.....just need make a bag-pipe.....and the little front bag ( sporran )
I go to show the first Test with the kilt decoration....I hope you like all this....soon more pics