It is now evening here, but I'll try to take close-up pics during the coming week (lighting conditions permitting).

This beautiful ship has indeed been added to my fleet now.

It was not build on my request, but I got the opportunity to purchase it (for a price I don't want to disclose).
The maker is a Dutch Playmobil ship-customizer, Playmoleo. He build the ship just because he likes doing things like that, though it is the first trimaster he made. The ship is mainly made of 3940/5135 shiptypes, but also parts of the 4290 shiptype where used (like for the cabins / stern), and parts from Noah's ark are included as well.
Playmoleo usually sells his custom-ships to start new projects (he has now a project to build the historical Spanish trimaster "Santissima Trinidad" (with 3 gundecks below the upperdeck!!), so I asked him if he would consider selling the "Redoutable". He said yes, but there were also other candidates to buy it. However, after a few days I turned out to be the most serious one, others maybe backed down after getting knowledge of the purchase-conditions.
I did have the advantage that we live relatively close to one another, so he brought me the ship today by car, which is a lot easier and safer for him (and the ship) then having to send it in a big crate to a buyer in a more distant country.
More photos (though not many close-ups I believe) can also be seen on my facebook-timeline, where I shared Playmoleo's picture-album of the "Redoutable"-project.