Thought this news was worth passing on...
Geobra Brandstätter: Toy maker takes EUR 400m hurdleThe positive business development of geobra Brandstätter (Zirndorf / Germany; in 2006 was due mainly to the continuing success of its classic “Playmobil” line. However, the "Lechuza" decorative plastic plant pot line is now also making a noticeable contribution to the overall result. Its sales in 2006 totalled EUR 12m – an increase of 73% against 2005. Altogether, the toy group hit a new turnover record last year, with rise of 7% to EUR 402m. Worldwide sales of the Playmobil line increased by 5% to EUR 379m.
(source: Plasteurope)Playmobil also get a mention in this review of the
American Toy Fair.