Girls - 5461 1. Green PrincessNothing terribly interesting. ANOTHER large skirt woman. She is pretty, though...
Except for the extra veil, the others came out of the pack already pinned to the hair with the crown.
The bouquet is also quite pretty.
The nice white skirt may be a "waste" under there.. as the less common green shoes (shame they're high heeled). Ours will probably have those changed.
2. Indian Woman With DollThe woman is BEAUTIFUL. Gorgeous
The chosen accessory is another matter - I mean... a grown woman with a doll.. uhm. Wait. Maybe she's a COLLECTOR. Yes, that must be it. I do think an indian bucket would look better, IMO.
The small feather for the hair is a brilliant touch, and looks very good.
Anyways, we love her, and will try to make some different ones as well. The Gods know the tribes need more women, right?
3. India Woman With BasketI was overly interested in that basket the first time I saw the figures. It's gorgeous, well executed, and we could use a bunch!
I think the "fruit" for the basket would work better in a round shape, instead of rectangular.. can only think of the "basket potatoes" right now, not sure if there are other parts..
The lady is nice and colorful (and nice feet!) but unfortunately, not extremely useful to have many of. Anyway, definetely an interesting figure, that will stand out in any scene.
4. Pink Lady This lady seems to be a mix of the ancient and new.. That hair is amazing, and she has a pleasing combination of colors (and flat feet!).
However, that part for the hat, which I think it's ancient, was not made for these, and does not hang properly.. Either that or I just couldn't figure it out, and I did go about the position of the hat AND that cloth for, I think, all possible combinations!
As you can see, it sticks to the hat instead of hanging, defying gravity.. or maybe it's windy.
5. Tennis playerApart from my initial mishap, I quite like her.
The color could be a better match... And of course, she COULD (and should!) have brought the tennis balls. It is strange how wildly the quantity of the accessories varies.. I mean, compare this one or the mermaid to the green lady, or the ninja...
We figured we can't keep her as a tennis player, since she'd render all the others completely "obsolete", with her new short skirt and all. Even so.. well.... plans exist.
6. ViolinistWe loved her on sight too. The torso is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous.
The violin in black is... original. It IS a shame about that thing in the skirt that prevents the feet from slipping out easily.
If that is a common red, that skirt could be in high demand, if we manage to change the feet.
7. SkaterI loved her too, basically for the black color. And even better, those wrist pieces
I wish we could get those as parts! They're gorgeous.
I think the helmet could be in better colors, but it is not really unmatching.. maybe just a personal preference for darker color. And.. a juice packet? Have no idea why.
Ours will have a black helmet, most likely... and no wrist things!
8. ArcherMy favorite from the series, as soon as I saw them
Well... apart from the hair. Though I really liked it in the first pictures of the Aeon Flux figure, I strongly dislike it "in the plastic", as in real life. Though variety is good.
The hair IS easily fixed. Well, almost. Using that amazing peg on the cape does pose a lot of limitations as to which hairtypes can be used, as I've been finding out. Repeatedly. Ah, forgot to mention - that cape.. great color! Especially when in an elvish mood, and in need of greens.
Still didn't figure what to do with them. Yes, them. Repeats wanted. Though I'm not sure I need them as archers, having those skinny ones already...
9. Woman With AudiobookNever much noticed before actually seeing her, but that hair.. GODS. It is probably THE hair this time (past figure series always shined in that department, and this one makes series 5 no exception).
The audiobook... That thing REALLY looks like a book, so we called it that... but it was disappointing. As you can see, instead of the expected "earbuds" - we thought it would be the same as the doc's stethoscopes, going into the "beard slots", it's just sort of a necklace. Meh. We tried to fix it in a head with "earrings slot" - kinda works better, but not perfect. I suppose with long hair, kinda makes do...
And a shot of the back of that hair, in all its glory
10. MermaidWe were happy with another mermaid, even if AGAIN in blue.. with some specks. We thought the blue was much lighter than it actually is. A shame they can't be more original in "tail color". Green. Yellow.
White. The black was an exception, the rest are blue and pink, I think...
The hair is a very nice color... definetely good for fairies and also for a more colorful recent klicky!
Another figure quite "light" in accessories.
11. HairdresserAnother interesting idea... I wonder how people remember to do an hairdresser?
She's nice, with a great (and useful) torso.
The accessories are nice too, though nothing really uncommon, I suppose.
We have the old hair salon, so... and we have decided the hairdresser will be a male....
12. Yellow FairyANOTHER fairy, in yellow. Not that she's not gorgeous, just not original.
The hair is a very interesting and uncommon darker shade of yellow. Besides the mold itself being stunning, that color adds even more value - variety! The arms have nice printing too.
As happened before, the wings are folded in the frame in ALL packs. Darn idea. They always need a week or so under weights to resume a proper shape. Annoying. I suppose there MUST be a point to it, since it happens consistently since the fist fairy pack.
The neckpiece is great, and extremely useful, especially in that color.. though not for her - it covers her beautiful torso too much.