As far as i know there were four of them , i remember seeing them at the BMW dealer when i was in the UK but at that time i was selling both of my BMWs and leavign the UK for good so it was one of the rather few occasions i excersiced some restrained. since then i changed my car brand so i never got round buying any of these babies
It looks A W E S O M E !!!
great buy and absolulely lovely. i hope you buy them all and show us some pictures of them
I am still waiting for Playmobil to make some german iconic sports cars with playmos . i actually wrote playmobil some time ago a very long letter with some ridiculus arguments ( i really want one and i promise i will buy a dozen of them etc ) argying about it which wasnt one of me finest moments i confess
great buy sir !!! hopr you get them all !!!!
PS : didnt know the SLK merc also comes with playmos (!!!