Nice set, great pictures, thanks for sharing. Thanks especially for opening the packaging to reveal the contents clearly.
I know this comment will cause a sharp intake of breath in certain quarters but here goes anyway: Why would anyone want to buy Playmobil in a sealed box and then NOT open it? (Its a rhetorical question folks, I know there are rational answers, it just boggles me why people do it

I am glad you did (open the box and baggie). If a few more people opened their MISB sets (especially early ones) we could get a more definitive idea of what these sets contained. Geobra don't seem to want to say. Datenbank-Setinhalt on Klickywelt does have a good range of photos of early sets, some of them from MISB examples, but frustratingly some of them are pictures of sealed baggies of bits!
Actually, I do have one MISB set, a
4430 which came in a bubble pack and my wife said I shouldn't open it

, so I'm really a hypocrite to post the above comments!