Author Topic: Tent material and Grandstand inquiry  (Read 1561 times)

Offline Scribbler

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Tent material and Grandstand inquiry
« on: May 30, 2013, 00:47:32 »

I'm in the process of combining two Circus Romani rings and thinking about a tent to cover it, like the most recent red-and-white big top circus. (I would show a picture of the current set-up, but still waiting to win another Circus Romani on eBay plus replace the two missing sections of the ring from my first Circus Romani set).

Which material would you suggest? I'd like light to be able to go through, and something that might pass as canvas (like the olden times).

Thinking of doing it in pieces, a long strip for the side walls (held in place by something, haven't figured out what will fit behind the Romani bleachers), as well as the top itself (with the flags on top to anchor it down, put the material across the two sets of yellow supporters, then the flags through the material to keep it in place. There's eight total, so it may work?

If one were to paint the grandstands (from the soccer, now available as an add-on) with the Romani colors, would it look out of place? (Might put it between the two rings with the stage/curtain across from the potential grandstands).

Offline Ismene

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Re: Tent material and Grandstand inquiry
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2013, 12:15:30 »
Maybe a linen or linen blend fabric. It should be thin enough to let light through, but it still has a good natural texture to it.

Offline Scribbler

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Re: Tent material and Grandstand inquiry
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2013, 16:41:31 »
Good call on the linen. Will experiment to see the best results.

Below is a map of the proposed arrangement of the two Romani circus rings; the grandstands from the soccer/football theme, the stage, and two animal chutes (to be attached to an animal cage in the open arena put up by circus workers when the animal acts are up).

This is a temporary solution until I get a second circus ring.  :)

The grandstands are on their way. Wondering if chairs will fit on the risers? Perhaps the folding chairs?

When the grandstands get here, I plan on painting the base red, the back/roof blue with a stars motif like the ring itself, and get yellow chairs. (Keeping with the Romani bleacher colors). Obviously the grandstands will be the pricer tickets while the bleachers are the cheap seats  ;D