Author Topic: brown tower base  (Read 1729 times)

Offline bhellman75

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brown tower base
« on: May 28, 2013, 18:59:19 »
I know this fits under the red steck towers.  I've even seen pictures of it.  But I don't know what it anchors to.  How does it attach to the rest of the structure beneath it?  It seems like it should be the gray connector posts, but they just don't fit in the holes. 


Offline Tiermann

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Re: brown tower base
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2013, 20:03:45 »
It's from 3667 and there are special wall top connectors for it.
There is a step by step by Martin Milner in this thread where you can see them in action.

Offline bhellman75

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Re: brown tower base
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2013, 21:22:40 »
So this is the magic piece!  I've never seen it on eBay...  Thing is that I have the brown piece and I can't use it...

Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: brown tower base
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2013, 01:32:40 »
Yes, that is the magical piece. 

However, you should be able to use that piece like this:

or this:


I could be wrong, but I think it is the same piece as here:

Now, I'm going to have to look - no, I remember, it is the same.  Yes, you can't use the brown piece, but you can use the castle top.  Mind you, that's what you're asking about to being with not the top ... 

You could email DS and ask if they can get the posts.  Or pay outrageous ebay prices ... (unless you get them as part of a lot, which would most likely include another brown piece anyway ...)

Offline hauden_lukas

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Re: brown tower base
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2013, 04:40:36 »
From the castles you showed Wesley, the longer "posts" are only in 3667. The others don't have them.

Offline Wesley Myers

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Re: brown tower base
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2013, 19:06:20 »
From the castles you showed Wesley, the longer "posts" are only in 3667. The others don't have them.

Yeah I realised that as I was ending my post, which is why I wrote, "Mind you, that's what you're asking about to being with not the top ... "

I was showing that you could just use the roof piece in other ways without them - but I was getting this post mixed up with the previous post by the same poster regarding the grey system-X roof piece...

That's what happens when you're a guy and you try to think about more than one thing at once while you're doing something...   :-[

Offline bhellman75

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Re: brown tower base
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2013, 01:00:42 »
I understood you.  No worries! :)