I'm asking all out there if any one has had success with removing what I think is permanent marker on Playmobil Color pieces?
I also removed permanent marker ink off the underside of an elephant. (Previous Owner wrote their name in permanent marker, came off easily with the eraser).
Mr. Magic Eraser worked for this one, got the worst of the black ink marks off the two Playmobil Color tigers (as the previous owner decided to color over the colors with black permanent marker that makes the poor tiger look like a burn victim).
Tigers still have hard-to-reach black (burn) areas and faces as well as a light gray shade after vigorously scrubbing with Mr. Magic Eraser to turn black to light gray. Any suggestions on getting the rest off? (There is also orange marks that Mr. Magic Eraser couldn't remove as well.)
It doesn't have to be pristine white as I'm going to re-color those tigers properly. Just light enough that I can color over without them looking like two burn victims.