Lady Blacktower seems very upset, waving her arms in the air towards Elena as she yells at her:
"Are you completely mad?! how dare you say such outrageous things about me!"Elena just stood there, unsure about what she said wrong.
"I merely said a blue gown might look nice on you." 
This only caused lady Blacktower to throw her arms even higher up in the air:
"Do you not see the madness in those words!"Queen Dominique just shook her head, she already knew there would be no reasoning with lady Blacktower when she got upset.
Both the queen and Elena seemed quite happy to see Roderick and Frederick return back to the castle, if only to provide a distraction.
Unfortunately for Frederick at this particular moment, he serves the Blacktower family. In lady Blacktower's opinion that means he has to agree with her all the time.

Lady Blacktower:
"Knight Frederick! did you hear what that..that... woman.. had the nerve to say to me?!"Frederick sighed and played along as usual, and with his usual sarcastic tone:
"No my lady, whatever did the dastardly woman say to you?"In the meanwhile Roderick gently took Elena's hand while he told her he had missed her, before presenting himself to the queen.
And thus lady Blacktower started her rant:
"She said I'd look nice in a blue gown! blue! blue!!! I can't even begin to describe how much is wrong with saying such a horrible thing to me!" She waved her arms around wildly as she started to describe it bit by bit anyways:
"First off all, blue is a very bland color, it doesnt stand out! How dare she call me bland?! And I look never just nice, my servants spend two hours every morning to ensure I look nothing short of divine! And how dare she tell me what I should wear?!"
Frederick just stood there and nodded politely as he performed his least pleasant duty: Listening to the rants of the very spoiled lady Blacktower.
In the meanwhile Roderick presented himself officially to Queen dominque with a polite bow as he showed her the treaty.
"Your royal highness, I hereby offer you the treaty Prince Edward the Lion signed to form an alliance with us."Queen Dominique smiled as she spoke to him:
"You did well Roderick, the kingdom will surely become safer through this."Roderick
"But there is more my queen, After the treaty was signed I have come to suspect prince Edward might be involved with the very knights who tried to capture your castle not too long ago."Queen Dominique thought about this a moment:
"That is quite an accusation Roderick, it is best you discuss this with king Phillip and Baron Blacktower. They said they where having a highly important discussion inside the castle and where not to be disturbed, but this seems to be important news."Roderick bowed again.
Meanwhile, inside the castle:

King Phillip:
"Isn't this nice? such peace and quiet in here..."Baron Blacktower:
"Sure is nice to get away from it all yes.. just sit back and enjoy a nice glas of wine and listen to the silence.."((to be continued soon.))