I don't have any plans for Playmogangsters. Other than that, I'm not sure what to do with them. Or the alien head for that matter.
I knew you were going to say that. It's the only spare guy hair I have at the moment, though I'd prefer something with more panache.
I'm a little worried because it's so close to the necklace. Will have to be careful.
I don't think those "pants" (an insult to pants all over, to call it such!) are fit for any gansters either...
And.. well, you can send any unwanted aliens my way
We've been SWAMPED in those stupid hairs. We never favored them, and less everyday... It's half usable with a beard, but those roundish beards are few anyways.. and there are none that don't look better with the triangle cut. Only the 1900 guards need those, because of the hat straps, that don't go well with the classic cut.