Author Topic: New Super-Sets UPDATE !!!!! ENJOY !!!  (Read 6957 times)

Offline playmofire

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Re: New Super-Sets UPDATE !!!!! ENJOY !!!
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2007, 11:49:28 »
Presumably you've been shopping, Jochen!

The detail on the ice-cream parlour is fantastic - Playmobil get better on this every year (but do they lose some of their charm as detail increases, leaving less room for imagination? - discuss).

The building yard one attracts me more and more.  How much is it, Jochen, please?  (If I replace the euro sign by a £ sign I then know how much it will be here roughly.)
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Re: New Super-Sets UPDATE !!!!! ENJOY !!!
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2007, 22:07:51 »
I really like the ice cream stand. It is nice it can work as both outdoors or indoors.

Gordon, I see what you mean but don't think so. I like the level of detail as it provides even more options of what to do. Play and creativity aren't the items themselves, but what is done with them. My Vikings after all run the floral center. Hmmm....The Raspberry Barbarian Sundae Parlor and Espresso Bar?  ;D

Offline Little Jo

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Re: New Super-Sets UPDATE !!!!! ENJOY !!!
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2007, 16:50:02 »
Presumably you've been shopping, Jochen!

 ;D Just those two yesterday (two New Dino sets recently) -- or to be precice: I wasn't shopping, but my wife. I told her, if she don't mind, if she could bring me one of the new SuperSets on her regular Saturday shopping tour (any but the pirate ship -- I'm not in pirates, and the fairy tale just because of the new swan). And surprise: she bought two of them!  :D

The detail on the ice-cream parlour is fantastic - Playmobil get better on this every year (but do they lose some of their charm as detail increases, leaving less room for imagination? - discuss).

I wouldn't say, that room for imagination becomes less. In former times -- when the figures has been named klicky  ;) -- it was quite easy to make a knight from a cowboy just be replacing the clickable clothings and accessories. Nowadays most clothing is given by imprints. This makes a single figure at first sight inflexible, because imprints can't be changed easily. On the other hand there had been produced much more different figures with different imprints, and with some creativity and "abstract view" e.g. a viking might become a medivial noble man just be replacing some accessories (or exchanging some legs, e.g.). So imagination still hadn't to remain imagination because of the variety of different figures and parts which can be combined exactly to what somebody has in mind.  :2c:

The building yard one attracts me more and more.  How much is it, Jochen, please?  (If I replace the euro sign by a £ sign I then know how much it will be here roughly.)

Official price from Playmobil is 19.99 EUR; currently it is sold in large shop chains (Marktkauf, Müller, etc.) for 17.99 EUR -- quite a lot for a SuperSet, but as most already recognized Playmobil increased their prices in general already last year, and since January 1st government also raised the value-added tax from 16% to 19% in Germany.