thanks for your answers !!
This buiding was a bit long to make , firstable i wanted to use the school piece under the roof and i succed in putting the "rounded part" in reverse ; i had as you see problems with the plates (there was plant on and no roof ) . In a second time , i decided to use the princess barriers and to build a terrasse (a floor more) .
Tahra : if you look well : Gino use animal food .... carrefull in what pizzeria you will go !!
Rhalius : in fact the fisherman seem to like the lady whith black hair , his woman look the dog and he take the oportunity to look at her ... There's a story in our town : You can have a look if you have time to read , you will see with the other buiding everybody know everybody in this town !!!
I won't have the time to translate in English by myself so i use google . scipt : Toutes ressemblance avec des stereotipes existant est absolument fait expres mais aucun personnages reel ne s'y reconnaitra .
Gino est Italien , il a emigre en france suite aux evenement d'algerie . Il a ete champion de boxe et ennuie tout le monde avec ca surtout sa compagne .
Il est tres perfectioniste ssurtout sur la proprete , il est tres dur avec ses employe .
Gino aime l'argent , il s'est fait tout seul et le fait savoir , il a un ecran plat , une grosse voiture et son chien qu'il aime d'ailleurs plus que sa compagne .
Gino ne cesse de dire a mistingette qu'il l'epousera bientot mais n'en a pas l'intention .
Mistinguette : elle s'occupe des client dans la pizzeria depuis qu'elle a quitte son mari .
Elle laisse sa fille seule avec son mari de 10 ans de plus s'occuper de la ferme et du magasin de primeur (de fruit et legumes) .
Elle trouve que Gino parle trop d'argent mais elle adore faire du shopping avec lui .
Elle se fait souvent remarquer par Gino qu'elle raye le marbre da sa pizzzaria (qu'il a paye tres cher !! )
En fait Gino lui fait un peu peur mais peut etre qu'elle aime ca ...
Lulu : le serveur de la pizzaria : Il l'aimait bien Gino mais depuis que sa compagne s'occupe de la boutique ,rien ne va plus comme il voudrait .
Il partiraient bien mais il parait que le patron du bar cache des pistolets sous son bar ... Lulu n'apprecie pas les magouille du patron qui melange de la nouriture pour animaux dans les steak hache pour gagner plus d'argent mais ne peut en parler ; souvent l'ex-mari de Mistinguette lui dit "j'en suis sur ! il est venu m'acheter de l'aliment pour cheval la semaine derniere !! " Lulu ne dit rien ....
je vous laisse imaginer le reste !!!
scipt: All existing stereotipes resemblance is absolutely no expression but no real characters to recognize.
Gino is Italian, he emigrated to France from Algeria following the event. It was boxing champion and bored everyone with ca especially his girlfriend.
It is very perfectionist ssurtout of cleanliness, it is very hard with his employees.
Gino loves money, he made himself and indicated he has a flat screen, a big car and he loves his dog more than his wife also.
Gino keeps saying he has mistingette marry soon but did not intend.
Mistinguette: it takes care of the client in the pizzeria since she left her husband.
She leaves her daughter alone with her husband of 10 years longer take care of the farm and the store scoop (fruit and vegetables).
She finds Gino speaks too much money but she loves to go shopping with him.
It is often pointed out by Gino she scratched his marble da pizzzaria (he pays very expensive!)
Gino makes it a little scary but it can be like this ...
Lulu: the server pizzaria: He loved Gino but since his wife takes care of the shop, nothing goes as he wants.
It would leave well but it seems that the bar owner cache pistols under his bar ... Lulu does not appreciate the scheming boss mix of nourishment for animals in steak ax to earn more money but can not speak, often ex-husband Mistinguette told him "I'm on! There I came to buy food for the horse last week! "Lulu said nothing ....
I let you imagine the rest!