Author Topic: possible zombie playmobil?  (Read 1327 times)

Offline reimagination

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possible zombie playmobil?
« on: January 26, 2013, 03:01:41 »
I know for a fact that I've definitely put this under the wrong forum category because I ALWAYS do that in every forum I've ever belonged to.


I have a question. My friend had asked me if I got any of the zombie playmobil they had on sale at Walgreens after Halloween.

Well, my first thought was "You wait til NOW to tell me they had Playmobil at Walgreens?!"

but anyway, I've looked online and can only seem to find playmo zombie custom figures. All I can think is that it was either some sort of Playmo knockoff, or she saw the ghost pirates which could easily be mistaken for zombies because they kinda look like it. Or it was some kind of Halloween/Walgreens exclusive, but I doubt that.

What do you guys know about this? As an avid zombie movie fan, I would love this to be a possibility.

Offline Pynedor

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Re: possible zombie playmobil?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 03:05:29 »
I'd guess that your friend either saw some toys that looked like Playmobil but really were not or that he was talking about some Ghost Pirates as you thought. I don't think there have ever been any actual "zombies".

Offline Ismene

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Re: possible zombie playmobil?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 05:47:31 »
I'm thinking the Ghost Pirates as well. I don't think they sold well, as they seem to be appearing in clearance sections...

But I am VERY curious about Playmobil being sold in Walgreens. I must remember to check our local one.

Offline stroebel83

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Re: possible zombie playmobil?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2013, 01:35:04 »
I just got the three headed sea monster at Tuesday Mornings, and he came with a ghost pirate that could make a decent zombie