According to the person I was working with this tyre had been repaired about 13 times before, so we removed it once checked for escaping air, put a repair patch on, reattached the tyre to the wheel and pumped it up, guess what another leak this time over where there was already a repair patch

The guys helped to pump it back up

Checking the pump stays connected

"Man this is hard work, phew!" "Come on guys keep pumping we're nearly there"

Checking the pressure

Unfortunately this story doesn't have a happy end, they tyre was still letting put air even after the 3rd repair in a few weeks and at least the 13th in goodness only knows how many years

we decided that looking for more punctures was probably a wasted effort what was needed was to ask our boss to buy a new inner tube

after all we've tried our best

I blame all that spiky Hawthorn