If I sort of like it, I'll have to see. Depends on a number of factors: not least 'put-away-ability'. The newer sets are a pain to put away. For eg - the new Western goldmine is a huge huge pain to put away, as is the fort with it's big rock formation on the side. Also depends on how many other things from other toy lines I pick up. Space is becoming too much of a problem, and I don't want to end up with playmobil everwhere. My wife certainly doesn't! I might sell some things, but I really hate selling. I've taken most of my boxed action figures to my mum's this month, and more's to follow. Honestly, if you put PM addiction aside for a moment, there are quite a number of things I couldve (and shouldve) passed on in these past few years. Like for example the last Knights theme was a waste of space and money (and thankfully I didn't buy the castles). With the money I spent on that, I couldve easily bought a MISB Merry Men's Feast!