I've got to say I always like to see what other people come up with I like Tonguellos photo very well executed and clear, as for Elaines the first one is a cool idea it looks well set up whereas the 2nd one is simple and humerous
Cool pictures everyone! I like your second one, DrDalek6!
Thanks at the top of our road we've got a footpath you can follow it past the cemtry to another little suburb or straight down to Rivelin Valley as it's been also known to me the Craggs it's a lovely area to go and do a short walk, I was originally going to take my photo there instead I decided to walk down to a bit near to the garden centre (about 15 minutes walk) I was afraid my little guys might get blown off the rocks by the strong wind so I ended up using the stile they still fell in the mud though
, you get quite a good view across the valley and part of Sheffield. Anyway that's the first photo the 2nd one I took at one of the sites we were working on with BTCV, I wasn't expecting that we'd still be working up there last Thursday but, we were so I took the opportunity to set him up walking down the long woodland path, the last set of photos I took in my outdoor photos was at the same site on a rather foggy day which gave me the idea.