Author Topic: Roderick's quest.  (Read 9460 times)

Offline Pynedor

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2012, 17:02:56 »
Great story, Rhalius! ;)

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2012, 21:53:56 »
((thanks everyone.  :) ))

While Harold is explaining the details to Edward, Roderick takes a moment to watch down from the tower over the docks.

His attention is drawn to the dark knight who seems to be coming out of the tavern. Roderick thinks he looks awfully familiar and finds it rather suspicious that prince Edward might have had a meeting with someone who he supposedly locked up in prison.

Slowly he walks to Harold and whispers low to him: "Please stall them a little while.. something fishy is going on and I am going to find out what it is."

Harold agrees with the plan and gave a small nod. "Be carefull."
Roderick turned his attention back to the group. "Alright, I will prepare the horses while Harold will work out the details with you, noble prince Edward."

Before anyone can object, Harold starts his diversion. "Now, I will need the signatures of three witnesses as well.. your three knights here will suffice. And have you read the small print prince Edward?" While the knights give their signatures and prince Edward keeps looking for non existing small print, Roderick is already on his way down the ladder.

Carefully he sneaks past the buildings.

"I just have to find out whats going on in that tavern.. something is rather suspicious about all of this.." He thought to himself while glancing around the corner.

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2012, 22:17:43 »
Quickly Roderick crossed the street when no one was looking, and he found an open window leading to the tavern's kitchen.

Slowly he steps through the window, and leaned against the wall. Surely he will  learn about whats going on by simply listening to what is said in the other room!

In the meanwhile, Ranulf and the three cousins where still talking.

Wolfgang: "So how do you plan to defeat the legendary Cedric? thats no small thing.. he wins every tournament he ever enters and has never been defeated in battle."
Ranulf: "His love for the tournaments might be his weakness... I visited many of those tournaments to study how he fights. as for me.. he has never seen me fight."

Roderick could hear what they said, but he can't distinguish the voices too well... the people upstairs are making too much noise.

Ranulf: "Well I should be on my way.. we will meet again soon enough to discuss the details of our plan."

Ranulf left the tavern, before Roderick could recognize the sound of his voice. Carefully he tried to catch a climpse, but he couldnt, and quickly withdrew.

Siegfried spoke with a lowered voice to his cousins: "I think I heard something in the kitchen."
Wolfgang drew his sword slowly, and the others grasped their weapons as well. "There should be no one in there.. whoever is there will have something to answer for."

Roderick kept quiet, unsure if they had seen him.. how is he going to save himself out of this?

((will be continued soon. Yep I sure now how to pick my moments for that.  :P ))

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2012, 12:02:56 »
Very exciting! Great cliffhanger!
RANDOLPH, a comic with Playmobil! Click for part: [1] [2] [3]

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2012, 21:09:08 »
I cannot wait! Wonderful story! :wow:
Steck is BACK! <:>

Offline DrDalek6

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2012, 21:44:54 »
Uh great suspense poor unsuspecting Roderick  :o  :)

Offline Georgeag1972

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2012, 17:52:39 »
Excellent story with to much suspense indeed. Well done Rhalius.

  Your passion, is inspiration for us!!!!

Offline PlaymoMan

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2012, 21:42:43 »
Ahhh! Get out of there Roderick! :o
Life's essentials: food, water, shelter and at least one klicky.

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2012, 16:08:35 »
((Might have been enough suspense for now.  ;) ))

Before Roderick can react, the three cousins storm into the kitchen and grab Roderick, pushing him against the wall.

Siegfried puts his sword against Roderick's chest to make sure he wont escape.
Heinrich: "Who have we here? one of King Phillip's knights?"
Wolfgang: "Whoever he is, he likely heard too much."
Siegfried: "Yes.. we can't let him go back to his king."
Roderick's heart was beating in his chest. He never was more affraid in his life. But he had to get back to the castle.. not just for his own safety, but for the safety of the kingdom! He had to do his best to get out of this..
Acting fast, he kicked Siegfried away from him and against the wall, causing him to fall down.

Quickly, he drew his sword and tried to make it through the window while fending off Heinrich and Wolfgang. If only he could get outside where people would see them he would be safe.

But alas, as Roderick was climbing out of the window, Heinrich hits him on the head with his mace!

As Roderick lies unconcious, the three cousins try to decide on what to do with him.

Siegfried grumbles as he gets back up: "Foolish knight, what was he trying to do? he could never get past all of us."
Wolfgang: "I say we get rid of him right here and now, we can't risk him telling everyone about our plans."
Heinrich: "We can't do it here.. perhaps we can smuggle him outside of the town somehow."

Outside however, Henry and Frederick have arrived, along with a squire for each.

Frederick: "Harold! good to see you, where is Roderick?"
Harold: "Roderick is supposed to be in the tavern behind you, what brings you all here if I may ask?"
Henry: "Both the villages we where send to have already joined the Lion Kingdom, I see it is no different here."

« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 18:22:56 by Rhalius »

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Roderick's quest.
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2012, 16:33:52 »
When the cousins look out of the window, they notice the new arrivals.

Wolfgang: "Blast! It seems his friends are here as well.. they might come looking for him."
Heinrich: "Quick, we need to hide. we need to leave that knight here.. if they find him dead in this town, the Lion Knights will have us thrown in prison."
Siegfried: "Prince Edward would deny being involved with us if we'd kill him here yes.. "

Outside, Henry and Frederick try to convince the guard to let them in after Harold told them everything about the situation. 

Henry: "You have to let us in, Prince Edward gave us permission."
Door Guard: "Do you take me for a fool? Every guest of prince Edward already arrived, many already left even. You are NOT getting in here while I stand watch."

Suddenly Frederick smiles widely and reaches his arms out to the guard: "Well I'll be! my old buddy! how good to see you again after all these years!"

The door guard looks surprised at Frederick's friendly gesture as he is suddenly given a friendly hug. "..Er.. what?"
Frederick: "Don't you remember me anymore? we used to spend so much time together as kids! I always thought you would grow up to be a fine guardsman!" As Frederick kept talking, he gently guided the surprised guard away by his shoulder.
Another guard quickly comes running as he sees that the door guard is guided away from his post: "Hey stop right there! what are you trying to do here? you won't keep us from doing our duty!"

Frederick turned a bit to watch the other guard while keeping his hand on the shoulder of the door guard: "Why I would not dare to keep you from your duty! such fine guards! if you two don't want me to go into that tavern, I won't go in there. I have nothing but respect for you guys."

Guard: "Well good that you realise you wont be getting in there. Nothing gets past us!"
And Frederick is indeed not getting past them, while he distracts the guards, Henry is quietly slipping into the tavern.

What will he find in there?

((the conclusion will come soon.))
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 10:34:42 by Rhalius »