The knight turned around and gestured towards a knight with the symbol of Snakewood on his shield.
"Hello sir Francis, how are things here in Snakewood?"Francis smiled:
"Snakewood has not been doing this well in many years! My people can travel safely through the forests once more and Prince Edward has such need of my people! they have been working hard to feed and arm his soldiers, this is very good for business. And in exchange I will fight for the Lion kingdom when need be."Roderick gave it some thought. The village did seem pretty peacefull, and the people seemed happy. It was a shame though that Prince Edward arrived here a day earlier than him.
"Thank you Sir Francis, I hope things will keep going this well for Snakewood."Lion Knight:
"Come, I will show you the blacksmith." He gestured Roderick and Harold to follow him.
The local blacksmith seemed very busy. Soldiers where everywhere sharpening swords, polishing armor and inspecting the weapons and armor made by the blacksmith.
Lion Knight:
"We consider ourselves very lucky with the blacksmith here, he has a lot of experience and is a hard worker. He supplies us with all the weapons and armor we need to keep this region safe, and new recruits join our cause every day."Roderick:
"He does seem to work very hard indeed." Roderick couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by all those soldiers and knights around him, it seemed like an army was getting armed and equipped here.
"What is the purpose of this army? Surely there are not that many bandits around?"Lion Knight:
"Don't worry Roderick, you have nothing to fear from us. Our king always respected your king, and so do we. We are creating a new Lion Kingdom through peacefull means while we are working to find out who is holding our king prisoner. When we free him, his new kingdom will be waiting for him."Leaving his helmet with the blacksmith to work out a dent, Roderick took a walk through the village with Harold.
Noticing several villagers standing in line at the bakery, talking about all kinds of things, Roderick approached them to see how they felt about this take over.
"Hello there good people, I am sure things have changed quite a bit around here lately?"Man:
"Yes, for the better. My children can finally play in the woods again without fear of bandits!"Woman: "
And there is so much work now. Me and my sister have been very busy sewing together all kinds of uniforms."Baker:
"And those soldiers sure eat a lot! The knights have paid me very well to feed them, so thats what I do."Roderick:
"I see, well a pleasant day to you all! I am glad to hear things have changed here for the better."Although he felt a bit disappointed that he couldnt get the agreement he wished for, Roderick was happy for the people of Snakewood still.
"Well Harold, our job here is done. Let's have a nice glas of milk before we head back home."Harold smiled and agreed. He never cared much for being on the road and prefered to just toot his own horn from the safety of the royal castle so he was happy to return home.
((to be continued soon.