Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Damo. It looks like I ought to split 3934 into Original and Revised, the same way I have done for
3001 and 3001a, and for the same reason: the change in pin design.
The plans that you can download from are for the later model, from 2006; the previous model is from 2000.
The 2000 model uses
30 20 2820 - Bolt, male,
30 20 2830 - Bolt, female, and
30 21 6510 - Bolt, male, long.
The 2006 model uses
30 24 2990 - Bolt, short shank,
30 24 3000 - Bolt, female, long shank, and
30 24 3090 - Bolt, long, hollow, 55.9mm long.
I also have information showing the following parts belonging to the set:
30 23 0900 - Bolt, short shank30 23 0880 - Bolt, female, long shank30 23 0890 - Bolt, long, hollow, 55.9mm long... but I don't see them on any of my instructions, so they are "unofficial", only listed in the
text list. They might have been assigned via one of those parts-ordering pages on
All the other parts, many of which have different numbers, look to me (from the instructions) as if they're made from the same mold, so it may well be that either set of pins will fit either model.
I can't make a definite comment on the colour, although from the two sets of instructions, shown side by side in the inventory, it looks like the older one is more yellow, and the later one, more orange. As for the set photos themselves, I suspect I have a front photo from the old model and a back-photo from the new one.
Does this help at all?
(By the way, thanks, Martin, I'll change the name of 3374.)