Author Topic: 3262 Electric crane parts missing  (Read 3490 times)

Offline PlayMoto

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3262 Electric crane parts missing
« on: November 21, 2012, 17:45:07 »
Hey guys,

did any of you ever had this problem? I just 2 days ago bought a MISB 3262 crane in a local toyshop. They found it somewhere in a box and decided to sell it, just as i walked in  :love:
Luckily i got it at a very decent price of €30.

I got home, opened the box and.....missing parts. Bags were sealed and all was there except for one entire wheel, the 3 grey ladders, the 6 yellow ladder mounting clips and the green phone. Very weird.
Now i forgot to take pictures when opening the box, otherwise i would have posted them here  :-[ :-[

But i have actually never had so many missing parts in one box. I did check the box carefully and it was factory sealed, when i bought it.
Contacted PM customer service and hope i do get the parts.

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Re: 3262 Electric crane parts missing
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 19:05:37 »
I am sure in this case playmobil will replace the parts missing. I once opened a car and had a broken wheel. I contacted DS and they did replace it. Another time I got a super set and it was missing afew small parts, but they were not that important or of any use to me, so I let it go.

Offline Tiermann

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Re: 3262 Electric crane parts missing
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2012, 21:47:56 »
It sounds like there was a whole inner bag missing, that's very unusual. Their automated weight system should have caught it. The only problem I see is that it's a little older set so the parts may not still be around. They have space limitations and get rid of loose parts after they have been out of the catalog a couple of years.

Offline flatcat

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Re: 3262 Electric crane parts missing
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2012, 21:57:49 »
I know I have the 6 clips (I think I have 6) and the wheel should they not be available from Playmobil, although they are in storage with the rest of my loose Playmobil at the moment, and I unfortunately cannot get to them just yet.

Damo :)


Online Rasputin

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Re: 3262 Electric crane parts missing
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2012, 05:54:16 »
It sounds like there was a whole inner bag missing, that's very unusual. Their automated weight system should have caught it. The only problem I see is that it's a little older set so the parts may not still be around. They have space limitations and get rid of loose parts after they have been out of the catalog a couple of years.

Get rid ?

Didn't that crane come with 4 wheels? I opened our crane about 5 years ago so I will not be able to remember how the bags were packed but I can not imaging 3 wheels in one bag and one in a second. Usually Geobra will put items in diffrent bags because they go to other sets that are in production and there are not too many 3 wheeled cars or trucks out there. Very odd

Great set by the way and sorry about your missing parts. I wish this crane was still available as I have always wanted to customize one to be twice as tall
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Re: 3262 Electric crane parts missing
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2012, 07:27:13 »
The grey/silver ladder is a fairly common piece and should still be available.  If not, I have some spare.
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Offline PlayMoto

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Re: 3262 Electric crane parts missing
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2012, 08:25:12 »
Get rid ?

Didn't that crane come with 4 wheels? I opened our crane about 5 years ago so I will not be able to remember how the bags were packed but I can not imaging 3 wheels in one bag and one in a second. Usually Geobra will put items in diffrent bags because they go to other sets that are in production and there are not too many 3 wheeled cars or trucks out there. Very odd

Great set by the way and sorry about your missing parts. I wish this crane was still available as I have always wanted to customize one to be twice as tall

Well, i didn't notice the missing parts untill i'd opened all the bags and started building the crane. Then i realised there were only 3 wheels in the bag. The ladders and clips just weren't there at all. Very weird indeed. I first went back to the shop and she was also flabbergastered and ensured me, that this set had always been in a box from PM. That shipment box was never properly emptied out and put on the shelves lol.

Anyway, if you want a crane i could get you one. They are sold by the dozens here, second hand and for reasonable prizes ranging from €20 to €50. Just let me know ;-)

Offline PlayMoto

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Re: 3262 Electric crane parts missing
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2012, 08:32:33 »
I know I have the 6 clips (I think I have 6) and the wheel should they not be available from Playmobil, although they are in storage with the rest of my loose Playmobil at the moment, and I unfortunately cannot get to them just yet.

Damo :)
I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the offer Damo  :)9

Online Rasputin

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Re: 3262 Electric crane parts missing
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2012, 17:38:34 »

Anyway, if you want a crane i could get you one. They are sold by the dozens here, second hand and for reasonable prizes ranging from €20 to €50. Just let me know ;-)

20 euros for a used crane? That is a nice price and cheap enough that I would not cry when I cut one up. We currently have one and it just is too short and the reach is too small, must build bigger  ;D
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Offline PlayMoto

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Re: 3262 Electric crane parts missing
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2012, 18:32:21 »
20 euros for a used crane? That is a nice price and cheap enough that I would not cry when I cut one up. We currently have one and it just is too short and the reach is too small, must build bigger  ;D

just let me know, and i'll get you one. Even more if any overseas PF friends are interested.
There's sooo much here, which i can buy online locally and nationally second hand. Especially now with the holidays on the doorstep.

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just bought these 3 sets for €25 all in box with instructions and complete ;-)
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