Playmobil is shown in that video as an example regarding quality & copyright issues...
When you're making your own designs, there still is the problem of the material the prints are made out and how strong/resistant they are. Most 3D-printed items today are made of layers of compressed plastic powders.
And when materials get more diverse and stronger (and they do, I've seen a vid about a working M-16 assault rifle being printed), I'm not so sure if it would be remain much fun if you can make ALL the (fake) Playmobil you dream off (already no longer a need for a PCC to get exclusive sets; someone scans a set and everyone prints his/her own ''Albrecht Dürer''
) or ANYTHING else you'd like to have at home or at your local printshop. When you think about the longer term, without regulations the effects of such developments could become devastating...