Author Topic: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps  (Read 3801 times)

Offline Baron Marshall

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2012, 00:50:05 »
The symbol looks like an inappropriately placed (and sized) laurel wreath hat pin that would have been worn one the front of the Kepi above the brim... I haven't found any reference to the symbol being placed on the top of that hat.
Someday, I will organize my stuff, I promise.

Offline cheng

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2012, 02:34:30 »
The symbol looks like an inappropriately placed (and sized) laurel wreath hat pin that would have been worn one the front of the Kepi above the brim... I haven't found any reference to the symbol being placed on the top of that hat.

thanks Baron! I dared not say Geobra erred this time but yes, I've only seen these on the peaks(?) of officers' caps.
any ACW uniform experts here? (used to be quite a few such experts I consulted with in those old playmoboard days ;D

and Gordon, think this is clearer and I know this added spraying wont go down well with serious collectors but I've made sure the spraying looks 'factory made' ;)

Offline Wolf Knight

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2012, 12:02:09 »
Great ones here too!!!

Offline Jimbo

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2012, 16:09:24 »
Nice looking soldiers, cheng.  Don't know about the cap, but will keep an eye out.   I have been studying the ACW for a while,
and have a few books on the subject.

Offline cheng

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2012, 00:06:44 »
thanks pals!!

Nice looking soldiers, cheng.  Don't know about the cap, but will keep an eye out.   I have been studying the ACW for a while,
and have a few books on the subject.
good! I'm sure there are more reference materials now and pictures...start customising and I'll update mine after you! ;)

Offline Limorrj

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2012, 01:53:46 »
I think Playmobil want to copy this symbol:
But it was only used in Officers.  ???

Offline cheng

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2012, 02:00:48 »
thanks Limorrj! <*)
this must be it but Geobra decided to put this crest on the top of the kepi when its usually on the 'bill'/visor right?
and merry christmas to you <*) :elf: :xmascheer: :rudy: :xholly:

Offline Limorrj

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2012, 03:19:48 »
thanks Limorrj! <*)
this must be it but Geobra decided to put this crest on the top of the kepi when its usually on the 'bill'/visor right?
and merry christmas to you <*) :elf: :xmascheer: :rudy: :xholly:

You are right. It was usually on the bill/visor.
But some were on the top.
For me, the problem is this symbol was used by officers during Civil War.
Playmobil changed it.
In 5249 a officer use a hat, and soldiers this kepi.  ???
Merry Christimas to you.  :elf:

Offline cheng

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2012, 07:54:01 »
...this symbol was used by officers during Civil War.
Playmobil changed it.
In 5249 a officer use a hat, and soldiers this kepi.  ???

right, so I dont think any ACW customiser would dare to use this cap....its so wrong.
Geobra could have just used the bugle badge and we would have bought tons each...maybe thats why they did it on purpose :lol:
and the light blue colour also kills the you think they could pass for over washed out old kepis? :P so thats why I just bought twp, just to see them in my hands...still cant believe it
...if they can do this today, they can make their future samurai klickies wear anything ;D

Offline Limorrj

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Re: ACW Veteran Reserve Corps
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2012, 12:25:52 »
right, so I dont think any ACW customiser would dare to use this cap....its so wrong.
Geobra could have just used the bugle badge and we would have bought tons each...maybe thats why they did it on purpose :lol:
and the light blue colour also kills the you think they could pass for over washed out old kepis? :P so thats why I just bought twp, just to see them in my hands...still cant believe it
...if they can do this today, they can make their future samurai klickies wear anything ;D

Do you know Don Troiani paintings?
I saw these many kepis that color in paintings.
The problem, for me, is the symbol that was used only for officials.
Actually, a lot of soldiers uniforms which Playmobil makes is wrong.
She mixed items from various regiments, put clothes of officers in soldiers, among others.
We must not forget that Playmobil is a toy factory, and Playmobil don't bother to faithfully follow the story.
I cite for example the new set 5249, in which Playmobil mixed red and yellow stripes on the uniforms of artillery.
Visually it was beautiful, but historically is terrible.
I do not worry about getting 100% perfect, do I have fun and get as close to reality.
How you painted the bill/visor of yours kepis?