right, so I dont think any ACW customiser would dare to use this cap....its so wrong.
Geobra could have just used the bugle badge and we would have bought tons each...maybe thats why they did it on purpose 
and the light blue colour also kills the kepi...do you think they could pass for over washed out old kepis?
so thats why I just bought twp, just to see them in my hands...still cant believe it
...if they can do this today, they can make their future samurai klickies wear anything 
Do you know Don Troiani paintings?
I saw these many kepis that color in paintings.
The problem, for me, is the symbol that was used only for officials.
Actually, a lot of soldiers uniforms which Playmobil makes is wrong.
She mixed items from various regiments, put clothes of officers in soldiers, among others.
We must not forget that Playmobil is a toy factory, and Playmobil don't bother to faithfully follow the story.
I cite for example the new set 5249, in which Playmobil mixed red and yellow stripes on the uniforms of artillery.
Visually it was beautiful, but historically is terrible.
I do not worry about getting 100% perfect, do I have fun and get as close to reality.
How you painted the bill/visor of yours kepis?