Call me sad but I've gone through every scene
0:00 Giant Safari person
- 0:02 Giant Roman
Giant Construction worker
What appears to be a shelf display in top right hand corner, to the left of the giant construction worker.
I think I can see the box of a pyramid.
0:03 Playmobil wall banner, and an aeroplane set and one other unidentified set below
0:04 Playmobil shelf display, featuring large sign and 2ft klickies
Head of giant construction worker showing
0:40 Ambulance zooms past
0:42 Ambulance zooms past again, with what I would guess to be the injured Action Man/GI Joe type figure
Note funny line from doll at 0:43!
0:49 Vacation house
0:52 Vacation house again
0:53 2ft Construction worker figure
0:56 Castle
0:58 Castle again
1:22 Giant Egyptian
1:25 Giant Egyptian again
Did anyone spot anything I've missed?