The following is a humorous look at some of the different types of visitors you will see at your local zoo. Sadly, all these are based on real-life experiences.
Sorry some of the pictures are a little blurry, I didn't notice until I uploaded.
The Photographer:"Oh, a giraffe! I wanna see!"
"No, wait kids! We have to get a picture of you seeing the giraffe! Look amazed like you did when you first saw it."
"Ok, turn around and smile! I need pics of our day at the zoo to post on facebook!"
The Rusher:"Look, mom! A giraffe!"
"Yes, it beautiful, sweetie. Let's go now, we need to hurry if we're going to see the whole zoo before soccer practice!"
The Shouters:"This is so peaceful, isn't it?"
"LOOK!!!!! IT'S A GIRAFFE!!!!!!""HEY GIRAFFE!!!! COME BACK!!!!""STOP YELLING!!!!"The Gabber:"Look mom! What a pretty giraffe!"
"Can't you see I'm on the phone!? Don't interrupt!"
"Anyway, so then I told her that he had said...."
The Educators:"Now, who can tell me where giraffes live?"
"Mom, can we go look at the elephants now?"
"Hold on, you need to finish learning about a giraffe's natural habitat first! Then we can go learn how much an elephant weighs and what it eats and....."
The Idiots:"The sign said that giraffes only live in Africa, but that can't be right, there's some right here!"
"I know, who writes these signs? They had the big black cats labeled as jaguars, too, and everyone knows those are black panthers!"
The Complainers:"Good grief, why couldn't they make these exhibits closer together so we don't have to walk so far?"
"I know, and if they would make these exhibits smaller, maybe we could get a closer look at more of the animals!"
"Mom, I'm thirsty."
"What have I told you about that constant whining? You sound just like your dad!"
The Activist:"Oh my goodness! It's terrible how they keep these animals in cages!"
"I mean, look how tiny it is!"
"They can't possibly have any kind of natural lives here!"
"I wish someone would just come set all these animals free! They can take care of themselves!"
The Bad Disciplinarian:"Billy, get down from there! I mean it!"
"Billy, I told you to get off that railing! One.... twooooo..... Jeffrey, STOP YELLING!!!!!"
"Jeffrey, get back here! Billy, how many times am I going to have to count to ten before you listen to me?"