I've been wanting to focus a little more on contributing to this section of the board. I'm not a terribly skilled photographer, but I do really enjoy arranging simple pictures with playmobil. And it takes less time to get out the things I need for one picture than to plan a story or dio, and I'm busy these days. I miss having photo contest themes to give me inspiration, but I will start trying to come up with some ideas on my own. I thought in the meanwhile I'd make a thread showing all my previous photo contest pics in one place, mostly just so I can see them easily.

Others who participated in the contests might want to do the same.

Fishin' Buddies, which I took for Chris

Hanging with Grandpa

When the Giants are Away

There Goes the Budget! (this was taken for Chris, his idea)

I've GOT to get a full-length mirror!

Blondest Klicky in the World

The Birds

Firehose Soccer

Hunting Party

Deep Sea Fishing Gone Wrong