Author Topic: What song does the organ grinder play?  (Read 3829 times)

Offline Ismene

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Re: What song does the organ grinder play?
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2012, 23:40:20 »
Nifty! I wonder if any of the American catalogs specified the song, because none of the ones I have do.

Offline skypurr

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Re: What song does the organ grinder play?
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2012, 03:46:11 »
Thank you for the name, I  knew I'd heard it before.  8}
For some reason I connected it with television but couldn't think why.
Now I know - in the 1970's there was a UK TV sitcom called The Cuckoo Waltz.
Can you guess what  the theme tune was?  :lol:

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