But then why not do political monuments as well, they exist or at least the ones that have not been destroyed? Wouldn't it also be silly to ignore them as well? They are a part of the culture and history of a nation. You see if a company only were producing one political parties symbols and they never complimented it with other ones, then claimed "oh yes we did, just look at this 1000 year old one for the lost city of Atlanta" it just becomes a political statement/advertising for one modern party.
Most themes are too generic to be placed in one specific city, so political monuments don't make sense. But if they were doing a specific city, then I don't see a reason to take out a famous landmark. And it's one small piece in an entire set. Why can't the people who don't want it just throw it out or not buy the set? While I understand your point about including other modern religions, there aren't many possibilities that will be as feasible or as marketable as their current/past religious toys (who, besides Christians, buys plastic representations of an apocalyptic event and gives them to children to play with?). If we continue the analogy of political parties, it's like we have two major parties, with a bunch of smaller ones. One major party buys toys with its landmark. The other major party gets offended seeing a representation of its landmark. And the smaller parties have really intricate landmarks but represent a much smaller part of the market. It's very different than offering klickies in different skin colors, which requires no new molds or new themes. Plus, unless they exaggerate features or play into stereotypes, merely making klickies in different skin colors isn't likely to offend people of those skin colors (though some of the early dark-skinned klickies were a bit questionable). They haven't done my skin color yet; I doubt they will.
Bolingbroke, I agree. It's not a religious issue. It's cultural one. I find it strange that there is no medieval chapel of any sort. That's a huge part of the Middle Ages.
I am interested to see how the fairies will be put together. Even klickies are on a diet these days! Maybe I can get some fairies as gifts, so that I can see them better without dedicating space to the pinkness.
oh, and all i have seen is series 1-3....are there photos of 4 and 5 available??? sheesh! i feel like i have been in a cave!
See pages 1 and 5.