I'm AGAINST the removal of the cross and will complain about it's deletion! Seriously, I'm not a religious fanatic (far from, one could rather describe me as an agnosticus), but a cross is part of European and American culture! It it used indeed as a Christian symbol, and in mountainous Europe as a landmark as well.
In the Roman Empire in the centuries before JC, a big wooden cross was the equivalent of... a gallow in later centuries!
Darn, it is just a cross on the top of a mountain!! Oh yeah, but maybe the Taliban & Co. will get upset by such a toy and send suicide-bombers to Geobra's factory in Dietenhofen!
What does one expect to get to see on the top of a Swiss or Austrian mountain? A Totem? A minaret??
Congratulations to the complainers, you probably have succeeded now in convincing Geobra to never release a Templar Knight, a medieval monk or a f****** nun again! Not even mentioning a church.