Hi boys....
At last I return ....I make a "crazy move" to Madrid....this is the most crazy days of all my life.
Yet....I can make some news.
On Napoleonic Time some people like all but anothers only like Waterloo Time or early period.....
For the Waterloo lovers I make this two types of french shakos....is correct for Ligth and Line Infantry.....
The colour of the plaque-shield is different.....for Ligth Inf. in silver.....for Line Inf. in gold
Hat-Type 1 (yellow) is correct to make Ligth Inf. Chasseurs-Carabiniers and Voltigeurs....also for Line Inf. Fusiliers and Voltigeurs.
Hat-Type 2 (red) is correct to make......Grenadiers of Line Inf......only.....well, maybe also for Officers and some Hussars....and??
I hope this is a help to all the customizers of Napoleonic Wars...