I've just picked up on this thread.
You've got some great buys with the 3761 crane (classic PM that one) and the 3781 (ditto) and the 3789 helicopter. I'll get the parts for the 3781 off to you this coming week. Cuirrently, I'm membership secretary of the Fire Brigade Society and April is renewal time, so everything stops for that, hence me not sending you the parts sooner. I may also have spares for the helicopter. I'll print out the plans and include them with the 3781 parts.
Hello mate no problem at all the Firemen will be glad of the parts, the Fire Engine and Helicopter have unfortunately taken a slight battering at the Botanics so have been moved to safer ground not surprising that they've been bashed happens to everything at Botanics but, I know my Mum wouldn't be best pleased if she found out what I'd been buying
Thanks again mate it is very much appreciated
it's also reminded me to introduce my new purchases
I've had these 2 guys in the Helicopter ages Elaine sent tehm to me quite a while ago quite unexpected there arrival was as well I thought who's been sending me stuff I know I haven't been buying anything
then I opened the parcel up and what surprise to lovely little pilots for my helicopter
Next up a few weeks ago when I stopped off at Toysrus I spotted they had an abundance of Series 4 figures so I decided tot ake advantage and try to get some figures and some points on my new Goldcard
I also bought a Karate figure from Series figure to try and customise his bald head and I got another Dwarf for my friend
Finally got these new guys at the Market the other week, loving the Knights the Falconery hearaldry looks good on the shields and the red soldier is quite endearing, as for the Swan Knight a must for sure I like him much better than I was expecting the moustache is in great nick and those colours really work well together. As for the S.W.A.T. guy no idea why I bought him apart from that his little face just appealed to me for some reason he strikes me more as military than S.W.A.T. and finally the colourful fella in the purple cap something about him just really works like the combinaton of bright colours a lot