Went down into town to get my Mum a Sudoku book for Christmas so I stopped off at the Makret on the way, saw plenty of temtping Playmobil down there which I resisted including a flying carpet like I had as a kid but, I couldn't resist entirely
Spotted the Thunderbirds vehicles on another stand, the stall holder said he thought they were 50p each and asked me where they were from so I pointed the box out and he said 20p each, not going to say no to them at that sort of price
, they'll go nicely with the Thunderbird 2 in the cabin at Botanics only a pity the nose cones are rubber not plastic. Anyway back to the Playmobil.
Chief Littleklick's glad not to be the only Indian anymore some great accessories although the Bevaer? skin is a little odd
I think the little boy will be adopted as the Chief's son might call him Little Bear, woman will probably be his Grandma not sure what I'll call her though
The 1990's Knights have been on my wanted list for a while so I snapped him up he's quite cool I like his shield and cloak and I noticed his bag of provisions as he calls it when I got home bonus!