Those are great additions (and awesome bargains
Thanks the truck certainly is when you consider the condition the turck's in and how much I'd have paid for it through the DS catalogue or indeed somewhere like Ebay it would probably cost a fair bob and the DS one only comes with 2 figures.
The house itself is from the 4055 Mega Farm Set:
It originally came with a barn storage area above it.
They are great walls and windows, and amongst my most-used building parts; I really like them.

I like very much looks like a really good set and with a big tractor (love tractor's) and harvester , loads of tools and everything

shouldn't have shown me that! At least it explains the red frame which it appears should a window in it and confirms my suspicions that the walls would look much improved with the addition of some greenery or window boxes as in the set to cover the holes up. Amazing how much they've managed to fit in and still make it look fairly spacious.
Great additions!! The system x house is very nice but I like so much the garbage truck!! I don't collect modern themes but I want that truck too!!
Thanks of all my purchases I think my Fire Engine has got to be one of my favourite and most treasured finds but, I think the truck, helicopter and the pirate ship once restored have got to come a close joint 2nd although it goes without saying some of the smaller vehicles such as the motorbikes are really great as well and taring nothing away from all the great klickies I've bought.
Anyway going off point,I've got my modern recycling truck as well which I bought create the first two members of the BTCV Mini Carbon Army way back when I love them both the modern one's very realistic but, there's something about the 80's/90's vehicles they look realistic but, with that old retro distinctly I'm Playmobil and proud of it sort of element to them

Of course the fact that it's in such beautifully nearly new condition that adds tot the appeal
Great additions. The house looks to be very useful and I really like those old garbage trucks, I still need to get one for myself some time.
Thanks the house is a start, ideally would be great to get some parts at some points to add to the living space and add some greenery outside, first though if it's going to make any klicky a home then it'll need more furniture and appliances e.g. for a kitchen. The garbage truck as I've said above is great a real favourite and great addition to any collection, oh and it doesn't seem to take up much space

with a bit of refiddling I might even be able to make some space to display it on my shelves next to my Fire Engine which would be very appropriate considering they're both from the same or at least a very similar era