MacGayver ...
I just looked at your fotos ...
I am sure that your method probably works really well, but I'm also sure that your heavy pincers will really scare a lot of Playmobil collectors ...
As I'm sure you know, I've been using the screwdriver and vise method over at Garden Wargaming for many years. However, I have to admit that the "Spanish" method (as explained by
Socrates) using an elastic rubber band seems to be the best way to avoid ANY damage to especially older Klickys.
This past summer I broke an older Klicky using the "Hans-on" method. This really upset me. Especially since I have successfully taken apart hundreds of Klickys using the Hans-on technique.
So, I guess that all of us will keep on experimenting until Zirndorf designs an easy, foolproof "take-apart" tool for disassembling our little Klicky friends ...
All the best,