Thank you!
Wolf Knight, yeah! I loved so much the Jeremy Brett version, for me it remains the best at present. But this series is well worth a look...surprisingly.
Pynedor, I said exactly the same, but I took a look anyway and I was surprised, nicely surprised. Try it and after tell us
Tiermann, I was little disappointed yet with the introduction of Moriarty character in the series. Not for being him young and a psychopath, but maybe because of the script or the written scene for him to be introduced. Actually The Great Game was not my favorite episode at all, and the resolution of the cliffhanger in the next episode didn't satisfy me neither. I think it was pretty better the confrontation between them in Reichenbach Fall, but I had the feeling that this important point in the Sherlock's stories came up too soon in the BBC series...Anyway, there you can feel a little more and better about Moriarty's personality and his mind towards Holmes.