King Horatio and a small escort of blue lion guardsmen are returning from a tour of Patruicus, the capital city of Balthor.
One of the guards hears a rustling noise coming from the nearby forest.
"Sire," he says, "I can hear something in the fores-" he is cut off as a bunny, dressed in a peasant's clothing bursts out of hiding, wielding a dagger.
King Horatio realizes with alarm that he is a part of the bunny tribe, hired by chief Tobidubnus to act as spies. The bunnies are trained well, and this one is agile yet strong. But, this bunny is no match for the blue lion guardsmen, who are used to these "bunny ambushes" and are not frightened by their strange appearance.
After a short fight, the bunny is defeated and taken prisoner as the escort continues it's march back towards the king's palace.